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Teachers Workshop Auckland 2021

Two successive lockdowns in Auckland threatened to stymie our plans for our first DNAiTECH workshop in the northern regions. However on the 30th March we finally managed to run our first Auckland teachers PLD workshop on in Kohimarama. We went through the crash-course introduction on isothermal DNA technologies and each teacher had their own DNAiTECH instrument to run experiments on. We measured E. coli DNA sample against E. coli standards and tested Mission Bay stream water for e. coli after extraction of microbes and isolation of DNA. Check our our posting on this workshop here


Loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)  |  Point-of-care diagnostics (POC) 

LAMP-CRISPR  |  PLACID – paper-based LAMP-CRISPR integrated diagnostics

S-TECH nucleic acid isolation for POC diagnostics

We live and work in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. We love our land and focus our work on protecting the environment and promoting the well-being of people. The photography on our website represents New Zealand's beautiful landscape and our dedication to contributing to the effort of our nation to make

Planet Earth a healthy living space.

Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand | +64 214 29962 |

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